• Mahabaleshwar


Mahabaleshwar is a vast plateau measuring 150 kilometres, bound by valleys on all sides. Its highest peak, Wilson or Sunrise point, reaches a height of 1,439 meters above the sea level. It offers the dramatic views of the plains with the impressive sloppy peaks and enclosing woods. Mahabaleshwar comprises of three villages: Malcolm Peth, Old ‘Kshetra’ Mahabaleshwar and part of a village called Shindola.

Contact Person

Senior Police Inspector
Mahabaleshwar Police Station
Phone Number:- +91 2168260333
Email:- mshwarps.satara@mahapolice.gov.in


Nearest Airport - Pune (130 Km away)
Nearest Railway Station - Satara (62 Km away)


Min. 8° celsius
Max. 30° celsius


Several Star and Budget hotels are available.

Medical Services

General medical facilities (Chemists, doctors, and ambulances) are available.

Mahabaleshwar Map Location