• Lonavala/ Khandala
  • Lonavala/ Khandala
  • Lonavala/ Khandala

Lonavala/ Khandala

Strategically located between the two metro cities of Mumbai and Pune, these twin hill stations have been one of the most featured locations in Hindi cinema. Around 622 m above sea level and 5 km apart from each other, these twin hill stations are jewel of Sahyadri ranges. The hill station offers scenic beauty, green hills, deep valleys, historic forts, lakes, caves, etc. Like most hill stations, they have scenic spots which offer grand cinematographic sights of the valley and the hills, with tiny villages tucked in the between.

Karla is one of the most famous specimen of Buddhist rock cut architecture. The main chaityagriha (prayer hall), one of the largest in India, is very significant from architectural, sculptural and inscriptional points of view. Bhaja caves have one of the earliest rock-cut excavated chaityagrihas in Maharashtra. There is only one chaityagriha and the rest are viharas (residential caves). Bedse caves were excavated during 1st century BC. It is considered as an important stage in development of Buddhist cave architecture.

Contact Person

Municipal Councilor
Lonavala Municipal Council
Phone Number:- 01234 567 891
Email:- lmc1877@gmail.com


Nearest Airport - Pune (68.6 Km away)
Nearest Railway Station - Lonavala (4.8 Km away)


Min. +17 ° celsius
Max. +29 ° celsius

Lonavala/ Khandala Map Location